Recreating 5 beautiful winter outfit for girls

 Hello everyone, welcome and today we're going to recreate 5 beautiful winter outfits . You can get this clothes from Indian fashion websites _ and _ in a affordable price..... So , make sure to read until the end.

*NOTE : some clothes might not be the exact but similar...and all the RED lines contains links  .

Outfit number 1 : 

This beautiful outfit
To recreate this outfit you'll need 
A shirt to wear underneath 
 You can get it from Flipkart Click here to check it out

A cardigan 

You can get this exact cardigan from Urbanic .. 

A pair of pants

You can get a pant like this from MEESHO Click here to check it

A pair of shoes

You can go for casual sneakers like this or pair it with whatever you like Click here to check this out

Outfit number 2: 

To recreate this outfit you'll need
A blazer
 Blazers are quite expensive so I'll recommend you to buy it from local stores . 
But if you want to buy it online than Meesho have affordable choices for you 

A Crop top

I choose something not too cropped and can be worn on it's own Click here to check it out

A pair of jeans

You can get a loose fit jeans from MEESHO Click here to check it out

A pair of shoes

 You can pair it with a casual sneakers like this Click here to check it out

Outfit number 3 : 

You can recreate this outfit with

A denim crop jacket

You can get a jacket like this from MEESHO at a affordable price Click here to check it out

A track pant

You can get one like this from MEESHO , and it's really cheap Click here to check it out

A white t-shirt to pair it underneath

You can get it from MEESHO at a affordable price Click here to check it out

A pair of shoes

and you can get this from MEESHO at a affordable price Click here to check it out

Outfit number 4 : 

To recreate this outfit you'll need 

A cardigan

 You can get this beautiful cardigan from Urbanic Click here to check it out

A crop top

You can get a top like this, it will cover your belly and can be worn on it's own Click here to check it out

A pair of jeans

You can get it from MEESHO.. Click here to check it out

And shoes

You can pair a casual sneaker like this one or something you already have Click here to check it out


Outfit number 5: 

The last outfit in today's list is this tomboy/Street style fit

To recreate this outfit you'll need

A zip-up hoodie
You can get a hoodie like this from Amazon...
Click here to check it out make sure to get a bigger size...

A oversized t-shirt 

You can get this from MEESHO Click here to check it out

A black jogger 
A jogger is a must-have item in your wardrobe. You can get one from MEESHO


And again you can pair a shoe of your liking, You can get something like this too ...Click here to check it out

And the last item on the list is a bucket Hat 

I think this bucket hat is really cool , you can get it from Amazon Click here to check it out

___That's it for today 🌸 🌸
